
Browse the latest research with PEDro Evidence in your inbox

Over 8,000 physiotherapists have signed up to receive PEDro Evidence in your inbox feeds. Subscribers can select from 15 areas of physiotherapy practice. To date, the most popular feeds are musculoskeletal, orthopaedics, chronic pain, and sports. Subscribers receive email messages (one for each area of practice) containing the latest research each time PEDro is updated (currently once per month). The number of articles varies from about 2 per month for the whiplash feed to about 50 per month for the musculoskeletal feed.

The Evidence in your inbox messages contain links to guidelines, reviews and trials (ranked by method). This allows subscribers to browse through the latest high-quality clinical research in their area of practice. This is ideal for clinicians wanting to optimise treatment or choose an article for a journal club.

Subscription is free.

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